We have worked together on several occassions before but when he asked if I could find at least SIX models for a new project I was suprised to say the least. ..."They all need to be like Greek Gods, and in specific poses..I'll send you a list. Oh and one needs to be blonde...."
A blonde Greek god.....??? Hmmm.... JJ!!!!!!
I can't believe I havent featured JJ here before but he fitted the bill exactly.
Over 6'1" he'd just bleached his hair for his tour of "HERE COME THE BOYS" and boy is he built like a Greek God.
I'd known JJ since he came to live in the UK and we'd just had a feature published in DNA MAGAZINE (Issue 113) but he was in the middle of a busy rehearsal schedule for his show which meant he was still in LA. Luckily we managed a couple of hours on his return and shot what I needed.
A small taster is included here but the full feature can be seen in APOLLO MALE MODEL MAGAZINE.
VALERHON'S amazing work can be seen at http://valerhon.blogspot.com/
or http://www.valerhon.com/
Other Greek Gods included Ollie K (who else) Jamie B and Jon Shield
Hi Simon, your such an amazing photog - love working with you. Looking forward to seeing our collaboration.