DOMINIC is that model.

Having the face of a fashion model and the body of a Greek god, 21 year old Dominic captures attention wherever he goes. Heavily into fitness, he trains four or five times a week at his local gym in Leeds.
His big ambition, he says, is to look up and see himself on a Billboard on Times Square.... any takers? Already plenty of people are looking up to his 6'1" frame.

Great set of images showing of an amazing model at his best!
I'll admit he's an exceptionally attractive man, but a mannequin could show a little more emotion or life. Does his face move? He's got that Zoolander "Blue Steel" look down pat. Time for a left turn. All the models look the same, pretty meat sacks with props. Yawn. I'd rather see a model who looks like he's got a spark of life in him.
Wow! He's got that "Blue Steel" look down pat!
Ahhh...Kouklos Einai!!!Dominic is a GREAT model!!!
This guy Dominic is in one word SUPERB. Nice pics of him. Thanks for the pics of all the other great guys as well. I'll be back for more peeks.
Still friggin hot after 2 years.
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